September 2, 2011

My Teen Vogue Story

If you've read my 'about me' page you know that there was a time when I landed an interview with Teen Vogue. I will admit, stated in such a way it leaves you begging the question, "just an interview?" So here is the story.

After doing all the leg work, making sure I had the perfect cover letter, a proper one page resume, and emailing everyone on the Teen Vogue Masthead, I finally got in touch with the right person. I wanted to apply for a summer internship, but was about 6 months too early. However, my work had payed off--she wanted to interview me for an intern position in the fashion department {at the L.A. office}. I was beyond excited, I mean I was going to interview at Teen Vogue and I didn't have to worry that my application would get lost with the thousands of other perfect cover letters and resumes. We scheduled an interview for that December. 


So it sounds perfect right, I mean what could go wrong? Well it was partially my circumstances and partially fear that stopped this dream from coming true. After I got over the excitement, I started freaking out about how I was going to survive alone in L.A. for 3 months and even more, how was I going to afford living in L.A. for 3 months? {I was attending college in Oklahoma at the time} Unfortunately I let fear get the best of me and a week later I emailed her and regretfully told her "thank you, but at this time it is not financially plausible for me." 

This particular story doesn't necessarily have a happy ending, but I did learn a few things. 

1) Before giving up because you don't have the funds explore your financial options... there are a lot of scholarships, grants, and student loans that you can use for internship expenses. Ask friends and family to help. I know it is not always the favorite or most comfortable option, but you would be surprised how many people want to not only see you succeed, but want to help you succeed. Help doesn't always have to be financial maybe a family friend lives in the city where the internship is located and can offer you a place to stay.

2) Don't give up if it doesn't work out. Although I was extremely disappointed I didn't stop chasing my dream and I've had some very fun and equally worthy experiences since then. 

3) Don't let fear stop you. We all get nervous, doubt ourselves, and think others are more qualified, but the fact is that if you have gotten this far it is for a reason. So be confident and show them how great you are!

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